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Jesus Coming Soon | IF:Equip | Maui Churches

Lately, I’ve been exploring some of the church buildings on Maui. There some that are over 150-years old and there is a history in these places that draws me into wondering about their stories. There are times when I walk into a building and I want to worship. I walk into these places, and I want the bad weeds uprooted and to see restoration and fruitfulness. I have the same desire for myself. I think of the people who have lead these congregations and faithfully brought the Good News of a Creator God who loves us so much He saves us through the perfect sacrifice of His unconditionally loving Son.  I don’t know how many would be able to still stand by the Nicene Creed that I’ve been studying, particularly the belief in Scripture seems to be in contention with many and this makes me so sorrowful.  I’m worried for those who will be the chaff and not the wheat.

The other night, while taking a photograph of this church’s sign, I noticed the doors were open and could faintly hear piano keys creaking out a hymn, joyful and happy to still be used.  I walked by this one-lady rehearsal and heard murmurs of voices and noticed a few people talking together. I could see this was o’hana, “family” in Hawaii, not so much by blood but by sharing life together.  A glimpse in was all you needed to see that.  Soon, their Wednesday service began.  By no means was it looking like a Western church “success.”  I could count on two hands how many people were there, and I’d have fingers left over.  But I wasn’t looking at this mid-week moment as a success-is-defined-by-pew-people church, no I was looking at the sweet, faithful perseverance these believers had, who are eagerly awaiting the return of Jesus.  There was passion in their voices and praise in every hand clap.  They were under, literally, the joyful banner that Jesus is coming soon!

022_KrissyMillar Jesus Coming Soon20160518_IMG_4052-Edit_maui web.jpgI’m sitting here, right now, listening to the Hymns station on Pandora, and I hear, I will cling to the old rugged cross and exchange it one day for a crown.” I’m listening to these lyrics being soulfully sung on Pandora, and thinking how beautiful they sound.  And then that I realize I recognize the voice, and that it is our worship leader from a time past, Kate Miner.  Her voice is worthy to be on the radio. Seriously. She was a fearless and authentic worship leader too and welcomed the Holy Spirit.  And then I think about the contrast of the church I was walking past the other night.  Their voices and music weren’t worthy to be on the radio, but they were equally welcome in heaven.

Authentic worship gets me every time.  I know that worship is going to be something spectacular in heaven, because anytime I see genuine worship to Jesus Christ on earth I am drawn into the presence of God.  For those who want to see people transformed, worship can be revolutionary.  Denominational lines drop and a broken body is made whole.  So maybe one day we can have a worship event here on Maui, “Praise in Paradise” and not because this is a perfect paradise, but because when we worship a perfect God as a corporate body of Christ heaven touches earth again and gives us a glimpse of the real paradise.  And we need that, because a lot of days it seems that Jesus doesn’t come soon enough.

Like the rainbows that appear as reminders, we know our God whom we praise and worship is the one true God and faithful in His promises– including that He is coming back soon (Revelation 21:12).  Through the ages, these foundations found in the Nicene Creed and used by the global church are built not upon any physical building but the Chief Cornerstone, Jesus, who has graciously allowed for it, us, to continue to stand.  Like the believers of the past 2000 years have known, and those today all over the world know:  the here and now is not easy but the then and there will be worth it.
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(Also these will be available as cards and postcards soon in the Worship Art shop!)

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