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Phonics Museum– The Spanish Armada Sails Again

We are doing a program called “Phonics Museum” by Veritas Press for K.’s phonics and her reader today was about Queen Elizabeth during the Spanish Armada.  We went ahead and took the craft idea and created a boat with an empty milk carton, complete with paint, a flagged sail and a cannon.  I also made a few newspaper boats to join in the fun (and make use of the leftover newspapers.)  We headed to a nearby park and set the boat to sail along with the newspaper boats that K. made paper people for– herself, sister, me, and her favorite stuffed animal each had a boat.  (Look close in the pictures and you’ll see.)  So in essence, we all got to sail.  Then it was a good time watching the boats float and chasing them as the wind blew the current different directions.  Of course the milk carton boat far outlasted the newspaper boats, and it seemed that the boat often pointed its cannon to nearby ducks who might want to otherwise come too close.  So we had some fun outdoor time, art time, science, and history.  And I finally learned how to make the newspaper boats that I remember from my own preschool days– although of course they were so much bigger in my memory.

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