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Part I: Sisters at Lake Sherwood– Westlake Village Photographer

I am slowly but surely catching up on blog posts.  I’m so thankful for all my clients this past holiday season, and I had a great time photographing each child, every family, and moments that were precious and fleeting.  And in order to complete holiday orders and be present for my own family, I had to let some things go.  This meant that just this past week I FINALLY mailed all my family’s Christmas gifts.  (Seriously– and, yes, embarrassing.)  This also has meant, that as a whole, I have sorely neglected the blog.  But more to come for sure!  And who doesn’t like Christmas in February?  


I loved photographing these beautiful sisters and this wonderful time of childhood that they are in.  I had spoken with mom M., back in July and we ended up scheduling for November.  The portrait experience started at her home where I helped style the outfits– we had 5 for each girl, and decided we’d pull the ones that worked best for that day.  For the portraits themselves, because the P. family lived in Lake Sherwood, we utilized the gorgeous lake and grounds there.  I also brought the balloons and a few props to use as needed.  With the questionable fall weather, mom M. was definitely wanting the sun– and it couldn’t have been a prettier afternoon.  Of course, A. and L. were dolls and just kept smiling and having fun.

Here is look 1…


And Look 2:

(Normally I would say barefoot over socks, but these socks with the outfit are too cute and worked.)



And Look 3, my favorite.

(I had a picture of their outfits, so that is how I chose the balloons I brought.)

And then some more individuals, this time in favorites they’ll remember…looks 4 and 5:

Well, there you have it.  Hope you enjoyed!


comments +

  1. sarah says:

    Oh my gosh! This is probably one of my favorite shoots K! Such beautiful girls and all the pics capture such beautiful colors. They are so vibrant. Great job!!!

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