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The Worship Art Gallery is Live! (Maui Photographic Art)


Krissy Millar Photography_Worship Art Debut

I just have to enthusiastically say “Woohoo!!!” The Worship Art Gallery is LIVE! It is up and ready to take orders, and in time for holiday presents!! Talk about holiday cheer! Talk about a lot of exclamation points in this blog post.

Please check out the gallery and please, if you like it, share with friends. Let me know what you think either by leaving a comment here or on the Facebook page. And this is the “Debut Collection”– all images captured on Maui, and all images to inspire.

And here is the why …

There is a joy that fills you up, overflows, conquers. There is a brokenness that finds a healing salve and can mend. There is a battle that can be fought victoriously. There is a tenderness that fills every little bit of you with Love. The first time I learned this I was about eight years old in my playroom singing “I Love You Lord.” Upon reflection, I’ve always “enjoyed it” but in college and just beyond was when I saw and began to understand His power in it. First there was this crazy vision of seeing college students of all denominational backgrounds come together to do it. Shortly after I was introduced to Passion Worship Conferences and even able to help out with One Day (ahem) 2000. Yes, 2000, as in the year, the millenium. Then there was the church that was so gifted in it, where lives were transformed during it and leaders became signed rock stars. It was where every inch of my being longed to press in more, if that was possible. Throughout my adult life, it is the place, regardless of location, that when I was broken, I could be broken there– and begin to be put back together. When I was empty, I could be filled up. When I was mad, I could be transformed. There was and is nothing like it. My hands could be outstretched to a closer heaven, of my face close to the floor. I could be sitting rather still in my seat, or jumping with that literal joy. There are many perfect moments for it, because it is about Him.

It is worship.

Worship of the One true triune God. It is being invited into His presence. It is the ability to knock on the throne room door and be invited in to join with the angels. Worship has been one of the most important aspects of my faith journey. It is one of the reasons that I’m so excited for heaven– because the thought of every nation and tribe praising Him together is almost unfathomable in perfection.

This past year is no exception for my feet finding a place to dig in through worship. There have been worship songs that I’ve played over and over and OVER again to help me persevere, to find beauty, to exercise my faith.  And yet all of this has to be anchored in His Word, or it implodes. His Word, also known as: Jesus, life, wisdom, a plumb line, a double-edged sword, a compass– and best of all: a love letter.

So this project, this Worship Art Collection, is taking the songs in my heart, the beauty I see in His creation, the solid Word that I stand on, and combining it into one piece of art– a piece that is a piece of me, and an act of worship itself. I hope and pray this artwork inspire others, that this builds up the Body of Christ, that this draws those that do or don’t know Him, to Him.

Make sure to sign up for the newsletter (gold bar on the left or bottom of the page) and follow me on Facebook and/or Instagram as I’ll be sharing when new works are up. And if you have a favorite song or hymn, please share it with me and let me know. It just might be part of the next inspiring song in my heart.

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