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Family Photography | The Best Life on Maui

There are times that I’m convinced that being a photographer is quite simply having the best job in the world– job as in the kind that you get paid for. When I’m invited into a family’s life– into their laughter, their tender moments, the inner workings, their joys and triumphs– it is nothing short of an amazing honor. It isn’t that families need to be perfect or perform, quite the contrary, but it is being able to capture them as they are, and help them to create a memory they will cherish, that they will look back on and love.
Meet the G. Family, living here on Maui. We met at the beach and created a session that didn’t just capture the beauty of Maui– with sunsets and the ocean and all that good stuff– but captured the beauty of their family. We had a short amount of time to get their wardrobe put together, but using the ocean colors worked out well. And I love the dress that mom B. found too. Sweet little E. loves to twirl and dance (especially with daddy) and is a beautiful kindergartner who happens to have Downs Syndrome. Her brothers, C. and E., adore her and were fantastic to work with too. E. had a little mini “album cover” session that we worked in because not only does he love music but he is uber talented at it. Seriously. A few days after their photography session, I arrived at their home for their Session Premiere and he was busy online finding a new instrument to learn and to play. So here is their family session, a beautiful medley of living life fully.  (You can also see their video slideshow here.)

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