We live in Maui and this is her playground. My daughter has chosen well, and I love watching her imagination take flight here. (In fact, watching her play here and is what first inspired this photo shoot.) These rocks– vast, hardened lava masses beckon the ocean to dance with them– these rocks are full of crevices and castle rooms, and some rooms are even furnished with a table just the right size for tea when princesses from distant lands come to visit your kingdom. Also within this castle there is of course the regal throne room, and elsewhere there is a balcony that captivates with wonder while overlooking pools with feeding honu (turtles) and intermittent waterfalls. And like every kingdom there are hidden treasures eager to be found. Throughout the land are small streams, shallow pools, and content, curious crabs– even hermit crabs feel safe in this land. Most glorious is at sunset, when the kingdom is surrounded by saphires and sprinkled with diamonds. At eleven years old, she is both warrior and queen, and she governs with courage and kindness and wisdom.
You can see the video slideshow here and/or scroll down for the individual images.
And the portraits:
Necklace and ring: Modern Queen Kids
Visiting Princess from a “distant” land: her younger sister
Royal Scepter: Handcrafted of Maui beach bonuses
Biggest treasure: Having these images, because I won’t always have my 11-year old warrior queen. She is sure to go to further, more distant lands.
And what do you think?– do you prefer the images or the video slideshow? Let me know! (And thanks for reading all the way to the end.)
[…] Village, California, I thought of what we could do for my 12-year old. 12! Last year she was a Sea Queen at a favorite imagination-inducing spot here on Maui. This year we went with her absolute love of […]