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Beauty Runs Deep | Maui High School Senior Portraits

Meet Ashley, class of 2016, a high school senior here on Maui.  True beauty, the kind that radiates and lights up a room, the kind that lasts beyond trends, isn’t found in the surface, but in the depths of heart and soul.  I think, especially by those standards, there are some people who don’t know how beautiful they are, and, I’m pretty certain Ashley is one of these people. The glimpses I’ve had of her heart are beautiful and radiate out of her, as you can see from her portraits.  She has plans for the future that are all about helping, nurturing, and I’m confident that whether she is in a third world country or a delivery room or a classroom, she will be loving on those around her.
For this high school senior photography session we first went to see Colie Lennox for hair and make-up. She worked her magic and brought out the best in Ashley’s features and made her “camera-ready,” which is key for your senior portraits.  During that time I was looking for palms and flowers to create a haku lei and then also looking at the wardrobe pieces Ashley brought and finalizing her outfits for the locations we’d be going to.

Once she was ready, we hit the town and the beach for an hour of chasing the light and creating some gorgeous high school senior portraits. Maui is definitely a bonus for light and locations! So what do you think?  Leave a comment and let me know…

Also, I’m booking high school seniors now, for both class of 2016 and rising class of 2017. Contact me for more information and learn about personalizing your session– from wardrobe and looks and location choices– so that it is all about you!

So here is the before– a few quick snapshots of getting hair and makeup done by Colie.

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Then we hit the town…

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And we hit the beach, just before sunset…

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comments +

  1. Crystal Phillips says:

    These are so beautiful! Love them!

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