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Pretty and Playful | A family photo session in Wailea

If you are staying at the Grand Wailea in Maui, you are almost guaranteed an incredible family getaway. The pools are amazing, and then there is Wailea beach– soft sand, blue waters, the perfect amount of waves… and then you are on Maui, which is an ideal vacation destination.  So when mom Rachel contacted me about a family photo session while her Texas family was on vacation in Maui, I was so happy to connect with her. We did the Mini Session.  After, I was so happy to hear from her that all her kids, even teenagers, had fun!  I hope these images will adorn their walls and table tops, images that will tell the stories intermingled with their own voices of jumping in waves, hugging a little tighter, and playing as a family while the clouds were painted pink and and the ocean danced in pale blues mixing the sound of gently crashing waves with laughter and love.

Children, teenagers, wailea family photography maui
grand wailea beach maui family portrait sunset
maui photographer wailea makena teens
wailea photography girls smile maui happy
wailea maui vacation photography kids
wailea family walking towards the ocean on vacation
parents married and still in love sunset wailea maui
mom daughter dad and sons maui photography
family playing together sunset maui grand wailea
grand wailea family portraits beautiful sunset and black and white

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