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Doxology- Worship Art-

Praise God from whom all blessings flow“Doxology”  |  8×10 Matte Photographic Print, Worship Art by Krissy Millar

There is a peace that fills the room singing the Doxology, which is actually taken from a hymn called, “Awake My Soul, And With the Sun” written by Thomas Ken prior to 1695.  The full hymn lead me to a sunrise for this piece of Worship Art, and one at a historical church in Kahakuloa on the upper west side of Maui.  On this morning, it actually rained for all but 5 minutes, perhaps even less, and this colorful moment came and went quickly, but was a wonderful answer to prayer too.  Let me be honest, a repeated desperate prayer that went something like, “Please Jesus, let the sun come out…I really need a sunrise, please Lord…”

Ken, read more here, encouraged the students of Winchester College to devoutly sing these hymns each morning and night.  The entirity beautifully reads:

Awake, my Soul, and with the Sun,
Thy daily Stage of duty run,
Shake off dull Sloath, and joyful rise,
To pay thy Morning Sacrifice.

All Praise to Thee, who safe hast kept,
And hast refresh’d me whilst I slept,
Grant, Lord, when I from Death shall wake,
I may of endless Light partake.

Praise God from whom all Blessings flow,
Praise him all Creatures here below,
Praise him above, ye Heavenly Host.
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

(watermark and border do not appear on printed product)

Purchase the professionally printed, photographic print here at Worship Art at

(Watermark and border not included on final print)

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