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Intentionally Family | Maui Family Photography

This sweet little boy turned one-year old, and I was able to celebrate part of the day with him and his family for his birthday photo shoot in Maui.  I worked with mom Kelsy on wardrobe (lots of text messages!) and even incorporating some meaningful and personal props.  Through this shoot, it didn’t take me long to love the relationship that the S. family has, a large part because they are so purposeful with their parenting and marriage.  Dad Brandon speaks a blessing over his children every day and speaks Scripture intentionally into his family.  There is so much beauty and wisdom in that.  Mom Kelsy looks through her children’s eyes, sees their wonder, embraces their delight and points them to Jesus.  She also keeps the house in order while Brandon works off-island on Lanai as a fireman, and she runs an awesome LuLaRoe business.

When their children look back on these images, I know they will treasure them, especially because they will see the adoration of their parents, and the beauty of their family because mom and dad work hard to make life meaningful in the simple, in the details, in the everyday.  Their family dream to  “Be intentional in every thing that you do and show Jesus’ love in the way that you love your life,” is so wonderful and already coming true.  Blessings S. family and thank you for including me on this special and really fun day with you and your kids.

krissy millar photography black and white maui
brother and sister love maui photography
beautiful moms of maui with babies
cute baby one year old photography maui
one year old baby boy riding donkey and black and white maui
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happy family maui beach
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father and son sister and brother maui beach
maui sunset beach photography mom and daughter
kisses on beach one year old joy wailea maui
couple sunset wailea maui family photography

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